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Page 12
Jeremy Nickurak
Brian Nixon
Tom Norris
James Norton
Rebecca Nortz
Sarah Nottingham
Brian Nowosatka
Lexi Nylander
Magda O
Az O’Grady
Erin O’Kelly
Shannon O’Leary
Alannah Oldfield
Forrest Oliphant
✧Vikki ✧Ong
Sarah Oppelt
Amy Ortega
Vita Osborne
Mona Fosheim Øwre
Alex Pacynko
Rielle Pagan
Sean E. Palmer
María Ana Paolo
Alyssa Pappas
Jim Parkin
Mark Parsons
Russell Pashkutz
Darian Pedford
Sara Penedo Castro
Karen Peper
Michael David Pereira
Theodaria Perth
Thomas Peters
Magnus Petersson
Andrew Pickering
Scott Piper
Alex Poli
Justin Pollard
Katherine Popple
Maia Posten
Martin Pot
Ryan Power
Janet Pretty
Elizabeth Psyck
Thomas Psyck
Linda Puckette
Nina Quill
Danielle Quinn
Juliana Quiroz
Celeste Qvotrup
Colette Reap
Robert Rees
Adrian Reiter
Cat Reynolds
Amy Richards
Courtney E. Richards
Fiona Riddell Pearce
Carl Rigney
Graeme Ringland
Allison Ringler
Leonard Roberge
Laura Roberts
Anne-Sophie Roos
Charlie Rose
Brian Rosenberger
Chris Rowland
Sheri Rucinski
Lauren Ruffner
Benjamin Russell
Cort Rutherford
Dr S.Lay
Anders Sandberg
Russell Saur
William Scheid
Jenni Schimmels
Brendan Schlagel
Ilka Schmanteck
Megan Schmidt
Maximillian Schwanekamp
Michal Scienski
Phoebe Seiders
Shai Shaffer
Laurence Shapiro
Reese Share
Caroline Shaw
R.C. Shaw
Isobel Sheene
Steve Shelton
Den Shewman
Mark Shields
John Shirlaw
David Sidhu
Elísabet Rakel Sigurðardóttir
Magnús Sigurðsson
Anna Simmons
Barbara Simmons
Charlotte Sivanathan
Stephen Skolnick
Elizabeth Slomba
Brian Smith
Maire Smith
Natalie Smith
Scott Neal Smith
Devon Sobrado
Ryan H Sorensen
Waffle Sorter
Kaj Sotala
Jonathan South
Etta Spangler
Alyssa Spaulding
Stephen Spey
Erin Spratley
AJ Springer
Gray Stanback
Michael Starr
Michael Stevens
Claire Stevenson
Izzy Stevenson
Dorothy Stickney
Kelsey Tull Stilson
Kristi Straley
Adam Strickland
Emily Stuart
Guilherme Stutz Töws
Theresa Sullivan
Jonathan Summerton
Catherine Sutherland
Balázs Szabó
Charlie T
Jim Tarrant
Jillian Tees
Stuart Teisseire
Paul Ducky Tenk
Dylan Theresa
Ashley Thomas
Laura Thompson
Nicholas Thompson
Alma Tiwe
Eamonn Tobin
†Chaplain Tom
Carson Tompkins
Alex Tozzo
Kael Tuggle
Emily Turek
Wil Turner
Ray Vallese
Gert Van Gool
Tony Vanderheyden
Kassandra Velez
Agram Vielt and Zuvie Matusek
Pascal Vine
Amrei Voigt
Stephanie Volk
David Von Bargen
Dan Wade
Megan Walker
Mike Walker
Sara Wallcraft
Katie Walter
Rowan Walters-Brunt
David Warden
H.R. Warren
Gina Watts
Tyler Waugh
Reid Webb
Mia Webster
Chris Weigert
Jason Weight
Rachel Weiner
Zack Wheeler
Kathryn Whidden
Cameron White
Saeshia White
Vivian Williams
Colleen Williamsen
Braheem Wilson
Grenville Wilson
Brianna Wimberly
Anne E. Winship
Kindle Wolf
Lisa Wolf
Torin Wong
Wooko the dancing bibble
Christopher C. Wright
Alex Wyatt
Malwinka Wyra
Shafik Yaghmour
Fran Yeldham
Sonja Yrjölä
Catharine Yung
Sophia Z
Mat Zebrowski
Alex Zimmermann
Dois Gail Zulueta
First published in 2021
Level 1, Devonshire House, One Mayfair Place, London W1J 8AJ
All rights reserved
© T. R. Darling, 2021
The right of T. R. Darling to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
Customised images by Mecob from Shutterstock.com
Text design by PDQ Digital Media Solutions Ltd
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-80018-007-9 (hardback)
ISBN 978-1-80018-008-6 (ebook)
Printed in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK)
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